Trivie Blog | Lessons in Learning

How Identifying Knowledge Gaps Improves Employee Training Effectiveness

Written by Trivie | Jun 29, 2022 6:28:00 AM

69% of American workers say that their bosses see no link between manager training and business performance. This isn't just a problem for employees who are sorely undertrained, but it is also an issue that can greatly affect productivity, safety, and overall operations of an organization.

Identifying and closing employee knowledge gaps can help your business improve the skills needed to optimize daily operations. Read on to learn how you can change employee behavior for the better by understanding what knowledge, skills, and training are being forgotten.

Allows More Knowledge Retention

Identifying knowledge gaps allows for opportunities to implement increased knowledge retention strategies. People leaders will know what areas they need to train employees in more thoroughly to ensure that they can make the most out of each workday.

Learning where employees are struggling lets them come up with new training programs and incentives. These will get rid of knowledge gaps. In the end, this will make the most out of training exercises and meetings. This is especially true when you implement retrieval practices so that workers can actively recall learned information.

Lets You Tailor and Optimize Daily Operations

When you train your employees in the right areas, you can tailor the day-to-day operations of your business. When your training focuses on one aspect of people's jobs, you emphasize the importance of that particular skill or process. Employees will understand these areas better, increase their job performance, and ultimately achieve your business goals.

You can boost this outcome even further by setting up employee knowledge networks. Some employees in different departments are going to be trained more in some areas than others. This is inevitable, people will learn and retain information that directly relates to their daily duties.

Still, you can set up a communications system for employee knowledge sharing. Encourage your workers to help each other succeed in different areas of their careers. Even those who don't engage with a certain facet of your daily operations often will benefit from seeing the full picture of what happens in the workplace.

Boosts Employee Engagement

Only 15% of employees are actively engaged with their jobs during work hours. There are a lot of reasons that this happens, but a lack of good training is one of the most common. Employees with many unidentified knowledge gaps cannot engage with their jobs. They don't understand what they're meant to be doing.

By ensuring that all employees have sufficient training, you will make it easier for them to engage with their daily tasks. This leads to higher employee satisfaction rates and helps you to retain workers as well, reducing the costs associated with needing to hire new employees.

How Do You Start Boosting Employee Training Effectiveness?

Now you know how increasing employee training effectiveness can help you change behavior around your organization. That means it's time to get started.

Sign up for a free 14-day trial of Trivie's online training and learning platform. You'll get access to our most popular features without even needing to enter any credit card information. We're excited to hear from you soon and to help you grow your business!